Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Most of you, I am sure, have heard the news about the devastating earthquake off the coast of Ecuador.  Many of you have also heard about the recent loss of my nephew, Andre.

Last Monday, my sweet baby nephew passed away unexpectedly.  Andre was a beautiful little blessing to us for two and a half months, and his absence leaves me both teary-eyed and speechless.  What a courageous little person!  I got to visit Andre a couple of times before I moved and have since drooled over the precious photos and videos Austin and Sarah have sent me.  So, last week I made a quick trip to Virginia/Pennsylvania to grieve with my family.  While waiting to board I observed a young father trying to quiet his infant daughter.  Another day I might have been mildly impatient with those shrill cries.  But I saw the situation differently this time, thinking of the healthy heart that circulated enough oxygen for this baby to wail at the top of her lungs.  The cries were beautiful, sacred.  I wept for the silenced cries of my dear Andre, for the emptiness he leaves behind.

Andre Linden Jay Showalter, January 20 - April 11, 2016
Deeply beloved and deeply missed.

Last Saturday, while I was still in the US for Andre's funeral, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated Ecuador's northern coast.  Tremors were felt in Quito, but I have not seen much damage here.  On the coast, recent reports count over 500 deaths and rescue operations are still in progress.  The damage and loss is staggering.  Yesterday, I returned from the US, full of sadness for my family and for those on the Ecuadorian coast.  Next week's church counsel meeting will include conversation about how we at the Quito Mennonite Church can support those who are suffering the effects of the earthquake.  There is so much need, so we ask for wisdom in figuring out what it means for us to be part of the long healing process ahead.  How exactly do we work and pray for peace in the aftermath of a natural disaster like this?  I'm not sure, but the path is made by walking...


  1. Dear Gloria, I am so touch by this. You have a gift from God to express your thoughts like this. I'm joining in prayer for wisdom for you and your church. I'm sending this to Holly! We pray for you together on the phone.

    I love you, Consider yourself hugged!

  2. I agree with Grandma... you do have a gift in written expression! Thanks for using it and I join in praying for peace and grace/wisdom in abundance for you and your church family. Love -- Aunt Rhoda

  3. Thank you Gloria. Love you bunches!!

  4. What a beautiful post, Gloria! I am praying for you, your family, and the ministry you are doing there in Ecuador. May God grant you peace, direction, guidance, and His blessings on all that He calls you to do for Him. "As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command, may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings" -- Ellen White.

    Hugs to you!--Love, Debra Banks (your former Waynesboro home school neighbors)

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Banks! It is so wonderful to hear from you! I like the part you shared about God's biddings being enablings. Wow.

      A big hug to you as well, and to each of your sweet children!

  5. Gloria! What a gift you have! This is so beautiful! I will try to remember that the next time my children are pushing the limit! What a great loss for your family. We are keeping you in our prayers. Looking forward to your next post.

  6. Sending hugs and love from India! You've been in my thoughts a lot these past weeks.

  7. I've had this page open for days but never got the chance to read this till now. Sending many prayers your way!

  8. I am very sad to read the news about your nephew. My heart ached to imagine the pain his parents feel, and the empty space his little self left in all of you, who loved him. I pray for healing, and hope in your lives. I pray for abundant love to wrap itself around you, and you keep on without him. Love!

  9. Your family and your temporary country are in my prayers. Love you sweetie. I pray you sense our Father's peace and strength.
    Love, Diane
